The trees will soon be barren and one awaits the arrival of spring with its promise of renewal. And Fall teaches us the art of letting go!
Much light!
Although I do not like the dark grey days of fall, I simple adore bright sunny autumn days that bring alive this season. I happened to enjoy one such sunny day during my break. The trees will soon be barren and one awaits the arrival of spring with its promise of renewal. And Fall teaches us the art of letting go! Much light!
Today's post is a sign off post for my Autumn Break! Autumn can be cold, dark and grey, but also full of colours. I found a maple leaf, rather nondescript and was reminded of the following poem by Hermann Hesse. The Drifting Leaf Headmost in wind's shoving waves a wilted leaf. Roaming, youth, and loving stops: their time is brief. Trackless leaves ascend, descend wherever winds will stray, only to stop in the woods, in decay. Where will my journey end? Hesse has also said, and I quote: “Most people...are like a falling leaf that drifts and turns in the air, flutters, and falls to the ground. But a few others are like stars which travel one defined path: no wind reaches them, they have within themselves their guide and path.” A time for contemplation too...Much light, and see you all soon! |
Aruna SamiveluI am an artist. I live and work in Berlin. Archives
July 2022
Copyright: Aruna Samivelu
All texts and pictures on this website are copyrighted material.